Corryton Primary School Job Vacancies

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What should we pay attention to during the interview? Keep the internet usage at a minimum level during the interview. You should inform the people you live with about the interview and ask them not to use internet connection as much as possible, especially video or music streaming applications (ie. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Youtube, Spotify, etc. ), as they may exhaust your connection bandwidth during the interview. Inform the people you live with about the plan and duration of the interview and ask them to keep quiet, if possible. Turn off the computer and mobile phone notifications. Don't ask for using search engines or online resources unless the interviewer told you explicitly that you can use them. Keep eye contact with the interviewer while answering verbal questions. Ask to repeat the question if you can't hear the interviewer because of a connection problem or if you can't understand what is said. Just like onsite interviews, you should use your time carefully during online interviews.

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Check constantly all laundry and dry cleaning equipment…

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