Application Letter For A Job Vacancy Example


Application letter for a job vacancy

application letter for a job vacancy

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The justices at the time were fairly open about the dangers they saw in granting citizenship to " uncivilized races. " Birthright citizenship has since been extended to the other four territories by statute, but Samoa remains anachronistically classified as an overseas possession. The lawsuit the court ruled on today argued that the distinction violates the 14 th amendment. As one of the plaintiffs in the case wrote back in 2012, "We are treated differently when traveling abroad to places like independent Samoa, we face greater difficulties when sponsoring foreign national family members to immigrate to or visit the mainland United States, we are ineligible for certain jobs at the state and federal level, and we are denied the right to vote in every state. " Interestingly, the government of American Samoa didn't support the case, filing a brief arguing that U. citizenship would pose a threat to Samoa's cultural autonomy, in particular a communal land system, fa'a Samoa. Under the policy, communally owned land can only be sold to someone with at least 50 percent Samoan ancestry.