Job Vacancy In Cognizant

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Job vacancy in cognizant 2018

I have never wanted anything so much in my life before. I am seeking help from this community with respect to - How do I find a job in my respective field in another country, maybe Canada? I am briefly aware of the different ways to apply for a visa. Do I need to shell out money for a service to help me with this? I spoke to a consultancy and it is very costly, 85k! Is now a good time to plan a move? I am getting older and the thought that I have done nothing in my life depresses me. I really want to give this a shot and make it happen. I am honestly looking at the way India is going towards and it depresses me even more. I had tried USA for MS in 2016 and I failed MISERABLY. So you can say that I am already 'wounded' by the thought that that I cannot do this. Any help is appreciated. Also, if anybody else is in the same boat as applying and getting started with this whole thing, may be we can do it together?

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