Open Datasets For Machine Learning Jobs

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  4. 17 Best Crime Datasets for Machine Learning | Lionbridge AI

Consider the example below: from del_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0. 4, random_state = 1) print () (90L, 4L) (60L, 4L) (90L, ) (60L, ) The train_test_split function takes several arguments which are explained below: X, y: These are the feature matrix and response vector which need to be splitted. test_size: It is the ratio of test data to the given data. For example, setting test_size = 0. 4 for 150 rows of X produces test data of 150 x 0. 4 = 60 rows. random_state: If you use random_state = some_number, then you can guarantee that your split will be always the same. This is useful if you want reproducible results, for example in testing for consistency in the documentation (so that everybody can see the same numbers). Step 3: Training the model Now, its time to train some prediction-model using our dataset. Scikit-learn provides a wide range of machine learning algorithms which have a unified/consistent interface for fitting, predicting accuracy, etc.

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edict method is used for this purpose. It returns the predicted response vector, y_pred. Now, we are interested in finding the accuracy of our model by comparing y_test and y_pred. This is done using metrics module's method accuracy_score: print(curacy_score(y_test, y_pred)) Consider the case when you want your model to make prediction on out of sample data. Then, the sample input can simply pe passed in the same way as we pass any feature matrix. sample = [[3, 5, 4, 2], [2, 3, 5, 4]] If you are not interested in training your classifier again and again and use the pre-trained classifier, one can save their classifier using joblib. All you need to do is: In case you want to load an already saved classifier, use the following method: knn = ('') As we approach the end of this article, here are some benefits of using scikit-learn over some other machine learning libraries(like R libraries): Consistent interface to machine learning models Provides many tuning parameters but with sensible defaults Exceptional documentation Rich set of functionality for companion tasks.

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Now, in order to determine their accuracy, one can train the model using the given dataset and then predict the response values for the same dataset using that model and hence, find the accuracy of the model. But this method has several flaws in it, like: Goal is to estimate likely performance of a model on an out-of-sample data. Maximizing training accuracy rewards overly complex models that won't necessarily generalize our model. Unnecessarily complex models may over-fit the training data. A better option is to split our data into two parts: first one for training our machine learning model, and second one for testing our model. To summarize: Split the dataset into two pieces: a training set and a testing set. Train the model on the training set. Test the model on the testing set, and evaluate how well our model did. Advantages of train/test split: Model can be trained and tested on different data than the one used for training. Response values are known for the test dataset, hence predictions can be evaluated Testing accuracy is a better estimate than training accuracy of out-of-sample performance.

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For those looking to build text analysis models, analyze crime rates or trends over a specific area or time period, we have compiled a list of the 16 best crime datasets made available for public use. The datasets come from various locations around the world and most of the data covers large time periods. Canada Crime Datasets Crime in Vancouver – This dataset covers crime in Vancouver, Canada from 2003 to July 2017. The data contains the type of crime, date, street it occurred on, coordinates, and district. Ontario Crime Statistics – Available on the Government of Canada website, this dataset includes crime statistics from the province of Ontario from 1998 to 2018. The data includes crime rate per 100, 000 people, amount of cleared cases, cases cleared by charge, people charged, adults charged, youth charged, and more. Toronto Assault Crime – Provided by the Toronto Police Service over the Public Safety Data Portal, this dataset includes an interactive map with every assault incident from 2014 to 2018 plotted on the map.

17 Best Crime Datasets for Machine Learning | Lionbridge AI

Due to privacy issues for assault victims, the data is not geocoded. Crimes in Boston – This Boston crime dataset includes information about incidents where Boston PD officers responded between August 2015 to date. The dataset includes information about the type of crime, the date and time of the crime, and the location where it occurred. The CSV file includes the following columns: incident number, offense code, offense code group, offense description, district, reporting area, shooting, date, year, month, day of the week, hour, street, latitude, and longitude. Crimes in Chicago – The Chicago crime dataset includes reported crimes dating back to 2001 and is updated constantly with a seven-day lag between updates. The dataset includes location info, incident type and description, year of the incident, and date the record was updated. Denver Crime Data – Updated regularly, the Denver Crime Dataset covers criminal offenses in Denver over the past five years and also the current year. The data within this crime dataset comes from the National Incident Based Reporting system and includes the following information: offense codes, offense types, date of crime, reported date, address, and location.

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feature_names target_names = _names print ( "Feature names:", feature_names) print ( "Target names:", target_names) print ( "\nType of X is:", type (X)) print ( "\nFirst 5 rows of X:\n", X[: 5]) Output: Feature names: ['sepal length (cm)', 'sepal width (cm)', 'petal length (cm)', 'petal width (cm)'] Target names: ['setosa' 'versicolor' 'virginica'] Type of X is: First 5 rows of X: [[ 5. 1 3. 5 1. 4 0. 2] [ 4. 9 3. 1. 7 3. 2 1. 3 0. 6 3. 1 1. 5 0. 2] [ 5. 3. 6 1. 2]] Loading external dataset: Now, consider the case when we want to load an external dataset. For this purpose, we can use pandas library for easily loading and manipulating dataset. To install pandas, use the following pip command: pip install pandas In pandas, important data types are: Series: Series is a one-dimensional labeled array capable of holding any data type. DataFrame: It is a 2-dimensional labeled data structure with columns of potentially different types. You can think of it like a spreadsheet or SQL table, or a dict of Series objects.

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